.. include:: ../tests/README.rst What to do if there are broken Rawhide dependencies =================================================== As first step you have to find or create a fixed build of the package to get the RPM file. Fix GitHub actions ------------------ The GitHub actions are using containers in most of the situation. So the fixup is simple here, just modify the impacted `Dockerfile` and add a missing package there. Note: Please use a comment FIXME / TODO with link to source of the issue and a message when we should remove the hotfix RPM. Fix Packit builds ----------------- Edit the `.packit.yml` file and change the impacted part. If there is not already add an additional repository to our public space. :: additional_repos: # This repository contains fixup of Rawhide broken environment. # Mainly useful when there is a package which is not yet in Rawhide but build is available. - "https://fedorapeople.org/groups/anaconda/repos/anaconda_fixup_repo/" Next step is to upload the required packages to `fedorapeople.org`. Anyone who is part of the `gitanaconda` group have access to that space. Cleanup old repository. :: $ ssh :fedorapeople.org $ cd /project/anaconda/repos/anaconda_fixup_repo/ $ rm -rv * # to remove the old directory structure Create your repository locally and upload that. :: $ mkdir /tmp/anaconda-repo-fixup $ cd /tmp/anaconda-repo-fixup $ curl -OL $ createrepo . # on older systems could be 'createrepo_c' $ scp -r * :fedorapeople.org:/project/anaconda/repos/anaconda_fixup_repo After the above is done, everything should be fixed and Packit should work again.